
Thursday, 9 June 2016

Why I've been away...

Here I am again with excuses why I haven't been posting. I know, I know, forgive me!

The past couple of months have been really strange, and I'm still in a lot of shock. Last week we lost my lovely Nana. I still can't really believe it. We found out she had cancer just 5 weeks before she passed away, there is so much I want to say to her and thank her for, and now I can't. 

Please please please, make the time count with your loved ones. There is so much I should have said to her in her final weeks but for some reason I was too scared, I didn't want to upset her and probably I didn't want to face the fact that we were losing her, and now it is too late. 

I just wish I could give her one last hug, and say thanks for all the fun times we had when I was growing up. She did so much for my sister and me, she was fantastic.

I am glad she isn't in pain anymore and she is reunited with my Granddad. They had a wonderful 60 years of marriage together before he passed away last November.

So, apologies that I haven't posted in a few weeks, I'll be back with a post soon, I promise!


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