
Tuesday, 6 August 2013

KT Tunstall

KT Tunstall has been my hero since her first album "Eye To The Telescope" was released in 2004, this year she released her fifth studio album "Invisible Empire//Crescent Moon" and she has yet again created an utterly magnificent sound. NPR Music had a great interview with her HERE and she describes the inspiration behind the album and her personal struggles over the past couple of years.
The sound of the album is different to the rhythmic empowering folk/rock she produced on the past four albums, it is melo, haunting but still as empowering. Recorded to reel to reel tape machines, and the majority of it recorded live, she creates a new, intimate sound. 
There aren't many words that can describe how inspiring this woman is to me, I could only dream of writing music like her.

Livvy x


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