Last week, I graduated university! Although I submitted my dissertation in May, this was the symbolic end to my three years of study. Here's a picture of my boyfriend and me after the ceremony, that hat was a bugger I tell you.
I managed a 2:1 overall... a 2:1!!! I could not believe it. I still struggle to believe it now! My final grade for my dissertation was 65... 65!!!!! After struggling with so much, confidence, anxiety, motivation and loads of things going on in my personal life, I am proud to say, I am proud of myself. I have learned so much, academically and about myself. I miss going to university already, I even miss the drive there on a Monday morning listening to pop master on Radio 2. I miss engaging in exciting conversation about my dissertation and hearing the ideas my classmates had for their dissertations.
Someone who has always been by my side is my boyfriend, Tom. I'm so grateful to have him in my life. I met him at the start of uni, and he's supported me through all of it; he made me do work when I didn't have motivation to, listened to all of my moans and groans about just about anything, and while I had my 15 hour stint in the library the day before my deadline, the angel brought me a McDonalds at half past 10 at night!
So here I am, Olivia Mandelkow BA (hons) Music: Musical Arts. What's next? Well I'm off to London today to review Alex Vargas' gig at the Lucky Pig - stand by for it - it will be up on Thursday/Friday!
Speak soon
Livvy x
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